
职 称:副教授





      宋文磊,男,副教授,博士生导师。2007年和2010年本科和硕士分别毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)和中国科学院地球化学研究所。2014年博士毕业于北京大学,之后分别在北京大学(2014 - 2016年)和捷克孟德尔大学(2016 - 2019年)从事博士后研究,兼职捷克布尔诺理工大学助理研究员(2016 - 2019年),2019年入职西北大学地质学系。曾为德国地学中心(GFZ)访问学者和欧盟地平线计划稀土稀有金属成矿项目组(Horizon 2020 HiTech AlkCarb)成员。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目;作为骨干参与捷克科学基金会碳酸岩关键金属成矿重大项目(2019 - 2023年); 获2020年西北大学“青年学术英才”计划资助。

      研究方向:1)稀土稀有稀散(关键)金属矿床的成因及找矿模式; 2)碳酸岩-碱性岩岩浆的起源、演化和构造背景及地球深部碳循环;3)高温高压实验模拟元素和矿物在碳酸岩-碱性岩岩浆-流体演化中的行为;4)基于扫描电镜和能谱检测的矿物自动定量分析技术在地质学中的应用。


Liu, P., Gu, X. P., Zhang, W. L., Hu, H., Chen, X. D., Wang, X. L., Song, W. L., Yu, M., Cook, N. J. (2022). Jingwenite-(Y) from the Yushui Cu deposit, South China: the first occurrence of a V-HREE-bearing silicate mineral. American Mineralogist, in press.

Wei, C. W., Deng, M., Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Smith, M. P., Kynicky, J., Song, W. L., Chen, W., Fu, B., (2022). Mineralization of the Bayan Obo rare-earth element deposit by recrystallization and decarbonation. Economic Geology, in press.

Liu, T. T., Song, W.L*.,  Kynicky, J., Yang, J. K., Chen, Q., Tang, H. Y. (2022) Automated quantitative characterization REE ore mineralogy from the giant Bayan Obo deposit, Inner Mongolia, China. Minerals, 12, 426.

Wei, C. W., Xu, C., Deng, M., Song, W. L., Shi, A. G., Li, Z. Q., Fan, C. X., Kuang, G. X. (2022). Origin of metasomatic fluids in the Bayan Obo rare-earth-element deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 104654.

Deng, X. H., Song, W. L., Franco, P., Xu, C., Chen, Y. J. (2022). Magmatic-hydrothermal vein systems, 517-624.  In Chen, Y. J., et al. (eds.), Geology and Geochemistry of Molybdenum Deposits in the Qinling Orogen, P R China, Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences 22, Springer, Singapore.

Feng, M., Song, W.L*., Kynicky, J., Feng, B. X., Fang, G. C. (2021) Geochronology and C-O-Sr-Nd isotopic study of the Ulgii Khiid carbonatite from the Southern Mongolian Alkaline Province and its implications for the mantle sources. Ore Geology Reviews, 139, 104495.

Tang, H.Y., Liu, Y*., Song, W.L*. (2021). Igneous genesis of the Bayan Obo REE–Nb–Fe deposit: New petrographical and structural evidence from the H1–H9 cross-section and deep-drilling exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 138, 104397.

Xiao, B., Pan, Y. M., Song, H., Song, W.L., Zhang, Y., Chen, H. Y (2021). Hydrothermal alteration processes of fluorapatite and implications for REE remobilization and mineralization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176, 87.

Li, Y. X., Xu, C., Zhang, L. F., Kynicky, J., Song, W. L., Fei, Y. W. (2021). >1.8 Ga cold subduction of lithospheric mantle: Evidences from the Fengzhen olivine-bearing garnet pyroxenite xenoliths in Trans-North China Orogen, Precambrian Research, 359,106183.

Wang, C. Y., Zhou, L., Zhang, S., Wang, Li, Wei, C. W., Song, W. L., Xu, L. P. (2021). Morphology of barite synthesized by in-situ mixing of Na2SO4 and BaCl2 solutions at 200 °C. Crystals, 11(8), 962.

Sun, J., Zhu, X.K., Belshaw, N.S., Chen, W., Doroshkevich, A.G., Luo, W.J., Song, W.L., Chen, B.B., Cheng, Z.G., Li, Z.H., Wang, Y., Kynicky, J., Henderson, G.M. (2021) Ca isotope systematics of carbonatites: Insights into carbonatite source and evolution. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 17, 11–15.

Feng, M., Song, W.L*., Kynicky, J., Smith, M., Cox, C., Kotlanova, M., Brtnicky, M., Fu, W., Wei, C.W. (2020). Primary rare earth element enrichment in carbonatites: Evidence from melt inclusions in Ulgii Khiid carbonatite, Mongolia. Ore Geology Reviews, 2020, 117, 103294.

Wei, C. W., Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Brenna, M., Kynicky, J., Song, W.L. (2020). Carbon-strontium isotope decoupling in carbonatites from Caotan (Qinling, China): implications for the origin of calcite carbonatite in orogenic settings. Journal of Petrology, egaa024, 

Kynicky, J., Smith, M. P., Song, W.L., Chakhmouradian, A. R, Xu, C., Kopriva, A., Galiova, M, V., Brtnicky, M. (2018). The role of carbonate-fluoride melt immiscibility in shallow REE deposit evolution. Geoscience Frontiers, 10, 527-537..

Kynicky, J., Kynicky, J, Lees, B., Song, W.L., Kotlanova, M., Wagner, G., Persson. (2019). The Malkhan pegmatite district, Krasny Chikoy, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberian Region, Russia. The Mineralogical Record, 50, 1-80.

Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, Kynicky, J., Li, Y., Song, W.L., Chen, W. (2019). A Paleoproterozoic mantle source modified by subducted sediments under the North China craton.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 222-239.

Song, W.L., Xu, C., Smith, M. P., Chakhmouradian, A. R, Brenna, M., Kynicky, J., Chen, W., Yang, Y., Deng, M., Tang, H. (2018). Genesis of the world’s largest rare earth element deposit, Bayan Obo, China: protracted mineralization evolution over ~1 billion years. Geology, 46(4), 323-326.

Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Song, W.L., Tao, R., Lu, Z., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Pohanka, M., Zhang, L. Fei, Y. (2018). Cold deep subduction recorded by remnants of a Paleoproterozoic carbonated slab. Nature Communications, 2018, 9: 2790.

Liu Y., Chakhmouradian, A. R, Hou Z.Q., Song, W.L., Kynicky, J. (2018). Development of REE mineralization in the giant Maoniuping deposit (Sichuan, China): insights from mineralogy, fluids inclusions, and trace-element geochemistry. Mineralium Deposita, 54(5), 701-718.

Smith, M. P., Kynicky, J., Xu, C., Song, W.L., Spratt, J., Jeffries, T., Brtnicky, M., Kopriva, A., Cangelosi, D. (2018) The Origin of secondary heavy Rare Earth Element enrichment in carbonatites: Constraints from the evolution of the Huanglongpu district, China. Lithos, 308-309, 65-82.

Song, W.L., Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Kynicky, J., Huang, K., Zhang, Z. (2017). Carbonatites of Tarim (NW China): First evidence of crustal contribution in carbonatites from a large igneous province. Lithos, 282-283, 1-9.

Zeng, L., Xu, C*., Li, Y., Kynicky, J*., Song, W.L*., Wei, C., Feng, M. (2017). Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of Paleoproterozoic granites and granulites in the Fengzhen area of North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 302: 298-311.

Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Tao, R., Liu, X., Zhang, L., Pohanka, M., Song, W.L., Fei, Y (2017). Recovery of an oxidized majorite inclusion from Earth's deep asthenosphere. Science Advances, 3:e1601589.

Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Smith, M. P., Kopriva, A., Brtnicky, M., Urubek, T., Yang, Y., Zhao, Z., He., C., Song, W.L. (2017). Origin of heavy rare earth mineralization in South China. Nature Communications, 8:14598.

Deng, M., Xu, C., Song, W.L., Tang, H., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhou, Y., Feng, M., Wei, C. (2017) REE mineralization in the Bayan Obo deposit, China: evidence from REE mineral paragenesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 91:100-109.

He, C., Xu, C., Zhao, Z., Kynicky, J., Song, W.L., Wang, L. (2017). Petrogenesis and mineralization of REE-rich granites in Qingxi and Guanxi, Nanling region, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 81: 309-325.

Zhang, W., Zhou, L., Tang, H., Li, H., Song, W.L., Xie, G. (2017). The solubility of fluorite in Na-K-Cl solutions at temperatures up to 260 °C and ionic strengths up to 4 mol/kg H2O. Applied Geochemistry, 82, 79-88.

Song, W.L., Xu, C., Veksler I. V., Kynicky, J. (2016). Experimental study of REE, Ba, Sr, Mo and W partitioning between carbonatitic melt and aqueous fluid with implications for rare metal mineralization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171: 1-12.

Song, W.L., Xu, C., Smith, M. P., Kynicky, J., Huang, K., Wei, C., Zhou, L., Shu, Q. (2016). Origin of unusual HREE-Mo-rich carbonatites in the Qinling orogen, China. Scientific Reports, 6, 37377.

Feng, M., Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Zeng, L., Song, W.L. (2016). Rare earth element enrichment in palaeoproterozoic Fengzhen carbonatite from the north china block. International Geology Review, 58, 1940-1950.

Song, W.L., Xu, C., Qi, L., Zhou, L., Wang, L., Kynicky, J. (2015). Genesis of Si-rich carbonatites in Huanglongpu Mo deposit, Lesser Qinling orogen, China and significance for Mo mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 64:756-765.

Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Taylor, R. N., Kynicky, J., Li, W., Song, W.L., Fletcher, I. R. (2015). Origin of carbonatites in the South Qinling orogen: Implications for crustal recycling and timing of collision between the South and North China Blocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 143: 189-206.

Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Li, X., Song, W.L. (2015). A case example of the importance of multi-analytical approach in deciphering carbonatite petrogenesis in South Qinling orogen: Miaoya rare-metal deposit. Lithos, 227, 107-121.

Wang, L., Xu, C., Zhao, Z., Song, W.L., Kynicky, J. (2015). Petrological and geochemical characteristics of Zhaibei granites in Nanling region, Southeast China: Implications for REE mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 64:569-582.

Zhang, W., Zhou, L., Tang, H., Li, H., Song, W.L., Chen, Z. (2015). Modeling geochemical factors controlling fluoride concentration in groundwater. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 1-15.

Xu, C., Taylor, R. N., Li, W., Kynicky, J., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Song, W.L. (2012). Comparison of fluorite geochemistry from REE deposits in the Panxi region and Bayan Obo, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences57, 76-89.

Xu, C., Taylor, R. N., Kynicky, J., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Song, W.L., Wang, L. (2011). The origin of enriched mantle beneath North China block: Evidence from young carbonatites. Lithos127(1), 1-9.

Xu, C., Wang, L., Song, W.L., Wu, M. (2010). Carbonatites in China: a review for genesis and mineralization. Geoscience Frontiers1, 105-114.

Xu, C., Kynicky, J., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Qi, L., Song, W.L. (2010). A unique Mo deposit associated with carbonatites in the Qinling orogenic belt, central China. Lithos, 118(1), 50-60.




许成,宋文磊何晨,王丽泽 (2015)。外生稀土矿床的分布、类型和成因概述。矿物岩石地球化学通报,342),234-241




王林均,许成,吴敏,宋文磊。唐红峰(2012)。小秦岭碳酸岩的SrNdPb同位素地球化学。矿物学报 323):370-378

王林均,许成,吴敏,宋文磊 2011)。华阳川碳酸岩流体包裹体研究。矿物学报313):372-379


许成,宋文磊,漆亮,王林均(2009)。黄龙铺钼矿田含矿碳酸岩地球化学特征及其形成背景。岩石学报 252):422-430