
职 称:副教授



电子邮箱:sunjiaopeng@nwu.edu.cn; sunjiaopeng@163.com



山东烟台招远人  九三学社

2010年9月 至 2015年6月 中国石油大学 硕士/博士 博士论文导师 陈世悦教授

2015年6月 至  现今 地质学系 西北大学 博士后导师 董云鹏教授 屈红军教授


祁连地区石炭纪-三叠纪气候演化及与冈瓦纳冰川、PTB气候事件关系 (正在进行中)

柴北缘-南祁连晚古生代弧后盆地向弧后前陆盆地演化过程  (正在进行中)

北祁连洋盆闭合过程中弧前盆地的诞生、演化和消亡,周缘前陆系统的启动、过补偿及碰撞挤压-碰撞后伸展的盆地约束 (正在进行中)

北祁连-二郎坪洋闭合过程及鄂尔多斯西-南缘古生代盆山耦合 (已接近完成)

柴北缘(欧龙布鲁克地块)在各超大陆中位置重建及改造-沉积演化 (已接近完成)





20.  Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P.,  et al.,  2023A Laurentian Rodinia derived continental fragment within the southwestern Qaidam: a detrital zircon reference from the Langyashan Group. Precambrian Research, In Review.

19. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P.,  et al.,  2023. Linking continental pieces in South Qilian to western South China-India forearc during the Rodinia-Gondwana transition. Geophysical Research Letters, In Review.

18.Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., et al.,  2023. Permian-Triassic polyphase basin transition at the junction of Alxa Massif and Ordos Basin during the Paleo-Asian Ocean termination: implications for continuity of the Engeer Us and Solonker Sutures. Geological Society of America Bulletin, In Minor Revision.

17.Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P.,  et al.,  2023. Late Ordovician collision onset between the Central Qilian arc and the North China Craton: new insights from sandstone petrology and detrital zircon geochronology. Geosphere, In Revision.

16. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P.,  et al.,  2023. Revisiting Ediacaran to early Cambrian depositional history of the western North China: Did it remain passive until mid-Paleozoic?. Journal of the Geological Society, Revision Submitted.

15. He, W.D., Sun, J.P. (corresponding author), Dong, Y.P., et al.,  2023. A synthesis of available detrital zircon data from the Qilian-Qaidam-Kunlun collage, northern Tibet. Geoscience Data Journal. DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.225.

14.Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P.,  et al., 2023.Ordovician tectonic transition from passive margin into peripheral foreland in the southern Ordos: a diagnostic insight into the closure of Erlangping Ocean between the North Qinling Arc and North China Block. Basin Research, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12714.

13. Liu, J., Sun, J.P.(corresponding author), et al., 2022. Late Paleozoic Accumulation of Coal-Bearing Successions in the Wuhai Coalfield, Western North China: Back-Arc Basin Response to Southward Subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Energies 16(1):34

12.Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., et al., 2022. Devonian to Triassic tectonic evolution and basin transition in the East Kunlun-Qaidam Area, northern Tibet plateau: Constraints from stratigraphy and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 134 (7-8): 1967–1993.

11. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., 2020. Ordovician tectonic shift in the western North China Craton constrained by stratigraphic and geochronological analyses. Basin Research, bre.12435.

10. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., 2019. Late Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Olongbuluke Terrane, northern Qaidam, China. Precambrian Research, 331,105349.

09. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., et al., 2020. Reconstructing the Olongbuluke Terrane (northern Tibet) in the end-Neoproterozoic to Ordovician Indian margin of Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 348, 105865.

08. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., 2020. Stratigraphy and geochronology of the Permo-Carboniferous strata in the Western North China Craton: insights into the tectonic evolution of the southern Paleo-Asian ocean. Gondwana Research, 88, 201-219  10.1016/j.gr.2020.08.005

07. Sun, J.P., Dong, Y.P., 2019. Middle-Late Triassic sedimentation in the Helanshan Tectonic Belt. Geoscience Frontiers 10, 213–227.

06. Sun, J.P.,Dong, Y.P., 2019. Cambrian tectonic evolution of the northwestern Ordos Terrane, North China. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, 569–586.

05. Sun, J.P.,Dong, Y.P., 2019. Triassic tectonic interactions between the Alxa Massif and Ordos Basin. Journal of Asian earth sciences, 169, 162–181. 

04. Sun, J.P. 2019. No Paleozoic Helanshan Suture separating the Alxa Massif from the North China Craton. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93. 

03. Sun, J.P.,Jiang, W., Ma, L.C., 2019. Early Permian Strata Exist in the Olongbluk Block. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition), 93.

02. Sun, J.P.,Dong, Y.P., et al., 2020. Permian tectonic evolution of the southwestern Ordos Basin, North China: integrating constraints from sandstone petrology and detrital zircon geochronology. Geological Journal, gj.3916. 
       01. 孙娇鹏,陈世悦,马寅生,彭渊,邵鹏程,马帅,代昆,郑策.柴达木盆地北缘早奥陶世陆-弧碰撞及弧后前陆盆地——来自碎屑岩地球化学的证据[J].地质学报,2016,90(01):80-92.( 领跑者 5000)


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金 东昆仑祁漫塔格早古生代弧后洋盆闭合过程的沉积大地构造学约束 编号: 42372253 (2024-2027) 负责 进行中

  2. 陕西省高校青年创新团队 (2024-2027) 负责/带头人 进行中

  3. 陕西省高层次人才计划项目(陕西省政府;2022-2027)负责 进行中

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上基金 鄂尔多斯西缘、南缘奥陶纪盆地演化对北秦岭、中祁连与华北初始碰撞约束 编号: 42072260 (2020-2023) 负责 进行中

  5. 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室开放基金 (2020-2022) 负责 已结题
  6. 西北大学地质学系青年基金 (2020-2022) 负责 已结题
  7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 (2017-2019) 负责 已结题
  8. 中国博士后基金面上基金 负责 已结题
  9. 陕西省博士后科研基金配套基金 负责 已结题
  10. 陕西省博士后基金面上基金 负责 已结题
  11. Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Grants 负责 已结题





