
职 称:教授


研究方向:1)古气候古环境变化:利用有机分子及其同位素手段研究地质历史时期气候环境变化及其与人类文明之间的关系 2)地质微生物:从分子角度研究地质历史时期细菌和古菌组成、功能作用及其调控的生物地球化学循环过程与碳释放

















Gang Xue; Yanjun Cai; Peng Cheng; Franziska A. Lechleitner; Haiwei Zhang; Yanhong Zheng; Yingying Wei; Shouyi Huang; Ling Yang; Xing Cheng; Yanbin Lu; Jie Zhou; Le Ma; Hai Cheng; R. Lawrence Edwards ; The climate control of soil organic carbon dynamics inferred from speleothem radiocarbon ages, Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50(3): 1-11.(Nature Index 1区)

Zheng, Y., Fedorov, A. V., Burls, N. J., Zhang, R., Brierley, C. M., Fang, Z.,et al. Severe drought conditions in northern East Asia during the early Pliocene caused by weakened Pacific meridional temperature gradient. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, e2022GL098813. (Nature Index 1区)

Zheng Y., Yu, S., Fan, T., Oppenheimer, C., Yu, X., Liu, Z., Xian, F., Liu, Z., Li, J., Li, J. Prolonged cooling interrupted the Bronze Age cultures in northeastern China 3500 years ago. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021, 574: 110461. 

Tang X, Naafs BDA, Pancost RD, Liu Z, Fan T and Zheng Y*. Exploring the Influences of Temperature on “H- Shaped” Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a Stratigraphic Context: Evidence From Two Peat Cores Across the Late Quaternary. Front. Earth Sci.,2021, 8:541685. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.541685. 

Zheng Y., Fang, Z., Fan, T., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., Li, Q., Pancost, R.D., Naafs, B.D.A. Operation of the boreal peatland methane cycle across the past 16 k.y. Geology, 2020, 48: 82-86. (Nature Index 1区)

Inglis, G. N., Naafs, B. D. A., Zheng, Y.Schellekens, J., Pancost, R. D., and the ‘T-GRES peat database collaborators’. δ13C values of bacterial hopanoids and leaf waxes as tracers for methanotrophy in peatlandsGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, 260, 244-256.Nature Index 1

Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Yanhong Zheng, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Anna Pytlak, Cezary Polakowski, Adam Kubaczyński, Andrzej Bieganowski, Artur Banach, Agnieszka Wolińska, Zofia Stępniewska. Methanogenic potential of lignites in Poland. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018,196, 201–210.

Zheng, Y., Pancost, R., Naafs, B.D.A., Li, Q., Liu, Z., Yang, H. Transition from a warm and dry to a cold and wet climate in NE China across the Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 493, 36-46.(Nature Index 1区)

Inglis, G. N., Naafs, B. D. A., Zheng, Y., McClymont, E. L., Evershed, R. P., Pancost, R. D. Distributions of geohopanoids in peat: implications for the use of hopanoid-based proxies in natural archives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018, 224, 249-261.(Nature Index 1区)

Zheng, Y.,Pancost, R., Liu, X,, Wang, Z, Naafs,B.D.A., Xie, X,, Liu, Z,, Yu, X & Yang, H. Atmospheric connections with the North Atlantic enhanced the deglacial warming in Northeast China.Geology, 2017, 45,1031-1034 .doi:10.1130/G39401.1.(Nature Index 1区)

B.D.A. Naafs, G.N. Inglis, Y. Zheng, M.J. Amesbury, H. Biester, R. Bindler, J. Blewett, M.A. Burrows, D. del Castillo Torres, F.M. Chambers, A.D. Cohen, R.P. Evershed, S.J. Feakins, M. Gałka, A. Gallego-Sala, L. Gandois, D.M. Gray, P.G.  Hatcher, E.N. Honorio Coronado, P.D.M. Hughes, A. Huguet, M. Könönen, F. Laggoun-Défarge, O. Lähteenoja, M. Lamentowicz, R. Marchant, E. McClymont, X. Pontevedra-Pombal, C. Ponton, A. Pourmand, A.M. Rizzuti, L. Rochefort,  J. Schellekens, F. De Vleeschouwer, R.D. Pancost. Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 208: 285-301.(Nature Index 1区)

Slowakiewicz, M., Whitaker, F., Thomas, L., Tucker, M.,Zheng, Y., Gedl, P., Pancost, R.D. Biogeochemistry of intertidal microbial mats from Qatar: New insights from organic matter characterisation.Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 102: 14-29.

Zheng, Y.,Li, Q., Wang, Z., Naafs, B., Yu, X., Pancost, R.D.Peatland GDGT records of Holocene climatic and biogeochemical responses to the Asian Monsoon.Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 87: 86-95.

Zheng, Y., Singarayer, J.S., Cheng, P., Yu, X., Liu, Z., Valdes, P.J., Pancost, R.D., Holocene variations in peatland methane cycling associated with the Asian summer monsoon  system. Nature Communications, 2014, 5:4631 doi: 10.1038/ ncomms5631.(Nature Index 1区)

Li, Y. X., Zhang, Y. X.,Zheng, Y. H.Erinaceus europaeusfossils (Erinaceidae, Insectivora) from the Middle Pleistocene cave site of Shanyangzhai, Hebei Province, China.Quaternary International, 2013, 286: 75-80.

Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J., Meyers, P. A. Proxy value ofn-alkan-2-ones in the Hongyuan peat sequence to reconstruct Holocene climate changes on the Eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Chemical Geology, 2011, 288, 97-104.

Seki, O., Meyers, P. A., Yamamoto, S., Kawamura, K., Nakatsuka, T., Zhou, W. J.,Zheng, Y. H. Plant-wax hydrogen isotopic evidence for postglacial variations in delivery precipitation in the monsoon domain of China.Geology, 2011, 39, 875-878.(Nature Index 1区)

Zheng, Y. H., Liu, X. M., Zhou, W, J., Zhang, C. L.n-Alkan-2-one distributions in a northeastern China peat core spanning the last 16kyr.Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42:25-30.

Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J., Liu, Z., Liu, X. M. The n-alkanol paleoclimate records in two peat deposits: a comparative study of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and Northeast  China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 63: 135-143.

Yamamoto, S, Kawamura, K., Seki, O., Meyers, P. A.,Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J. Environmental influences over the last 16ka on compound-specific δ13C variations of leaf wasn-alkanes in the Hani peat deposit from Northeast China.Chemical Geology, 2010, 277: 261-268.

Yamamoto, S., Kawamura, K., Seki, O., Meyers, P. A.,Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J. Paleoenvironmental significance of compound-specific δ13C variations inn-alkanes in the Hongyuan peat sequence from southwest China over the last 13ka.Organic Geochemistry, 2010, 41: 491-497.

Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J., Liu, Z., Chen, Q. M., Yu, X. F., Liu, X. M. Compositions of aliphaticdes-A-triterpenoids in the Hani peat deposit, Northeast China and its biological significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 2275-2281.

Zhou, W.,Zheng, Y. H., Meyers, P. A., Jull, A. J. T., Xie, S. C. Postglacial climate-change record in biomarker lipid compositions of the Hani peat sequence, northeastern China.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 294: 37-46.(Nature Index 1区)

Yu, X. F., Zhou, W. J., Liu, X. Q., Xian, F., Liu, Z.,Zheng, Y. H., An, Z. S. Peat records of human impacts on the atmosphere in Northwest China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010, 286(1-2):17-22.

Seki, O., Meyers, P. A., Kawamura, K.,Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J. Hydrogen isotopic ratios of plant-waxn-alkanes in a peat bog deposited in northeast china during the last 16kyr. Organic Geochemistry, 2009, 40: 671-677.

Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J., Xie, S. C., Yu, X. F. A comparative study ofn-alkane biomarker and pollen records: an example from southern China.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(6):1065-1072.

Zheng, Y. H., Xie, S. C., Liu, X. M., Zhou, W. J.n-alkanol ratios as proxies of  paleovegetation and paleoclimate in a peat-lacustrine core in southern China since the last deglaciation. Frontiers Earth Sciences in China, 2009, 3(4): 445-451.

Zheng, Y. H., Zhou, W. J., Xie, S. C,, Meyers, P. A. Lipid Biomarkers in the Zoigê-Hongyuan Peat Deposit: Indicators of Holocene Climate Changes in West China.Organic Geochemistry, 2007, 38:1927-1940.