
职 称:教授




沉积地质学致力于了解地球浅表层的形成和演化过程,着重从多圈层联动和全球视角认识沉积作用对重大地质事件的响应和互馈, 是支撑“宜居地球”形成、地球-环境-生命协同演化和多种矿产资源勘探开发等领域的关键基础学科之一。我们通过各类或壮观、或精致、或朴实无华的沉积记录,试图去揭秘地球母亲在漫长的历史长河中经历的沧海桑田。希望有机会能和感兴趣的同学一起亲近自然,去领略祖国和世界各地的大好河山!




发表学术论文20余篇,其中第一/通讯作者Basin Research 和GSA Bulletin 等期刊论文11篇,含Elsevier 地学综述论文协调人Tim Horscroft 邀请撰写在Gondwana Research 上的焦点综述论文1 篇。担任基金委面上、青年、地区科学基金通讯评议专家和Tectonics, Basin Res., Gondwana Res., J. Sediment. Res., Paleo3, J. Geol., J. Asian Earth Sci., Geosystems and Geoenvironment, Palaeoworld, 中国科学: 地球科学和沉积学报等期刊审稿人。现任Geosystems and Environment编委和《地质通报》青年编委。


Shi, Y., Duan, L.*, Meng, Q.R., Zhan, R., Wei, R.H., 2023. Detrital record of sediment influx in the Triassic Chuxiong broken foreland basin in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 632, 111864. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111864

Duan, L.*, Christie-Blick, N., Meng, Q.R., Wu, G.L., Yang, Z., Wang, B., 2023. A back-arc transtensional origin for the Nanpanjiang basin in the pre-Norian Triassic, with implications for the broader intracontinental development of South China. Basin Research. 35, 551–571. https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12722.

Wei, R.H., Duan, L.*, Zhang, X.L., Meng, Q.R., Zhan, R., Ma, C.X., Xu, J., Shi, Y., Zhang, X.Y., 2023. Detrital zircon age signatures of the basal Cambrian sandstone unit in North China: implications for drainage divides during global Sauk transgression and separation from Gondwanaland. International Geology Review. 65, 1524–1540. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2098541

Liu, W., Zhang, X.L., Duan, L., Chang, C., Liu, X., 2022. Rain shower on a Cambrian mudflat. Science Bulletin. 67, 25222525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.11.017

Xu, J., Ge, Y., He, Y., Pu, R.H., Liu, L.Y., Du, K., Li, H., He, X., Duan, L.*, 2022. Quantification of pore size and movable fluid distribution in Zhangjiatan Shale of the Ordos basin, China. Geofluids. 2022, 9390589. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9390589.

Wu, G.L., Meng,Q.R., Zhu, R.X., Fan, L.G., Meng, K., Wei, H.H., Duan, L., Zhu, J.C., 2021. Middle Jurassic orogeny in the northern North China block. Tectonophysics, 801,228713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228713

Duan, L.*, Meng, Q.R., Wu, G.L., Yang, Z., Wang, J-Q., Zhan, R., 2020. Nanpanjiang basin: a window on the tectonic development of South China during Triassic assembly of the southeastern and eastern Asia. Gondwana Research. 78, 189–209 (Invited Focus Review). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2019.08.009

Zhao, X., Liu, C., Duan, L., Fu, C ., Jin, Q., 2019. Two-stage magmatic events of the early Paleozoic in the eastern Hexi Corridor Belt, NW China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 440, doi: 10.1007/s12517-019-4605-8.

Duan, L.*, Meng, Q.R., Christie-Blick, N., Wu, G.L., 2018. New insights on the Triassic tectonic development of South China from the detrital zircon provenance of Nanpanjiang turbidites. GSA Bulletin. 130, 24–34. https://doi.org/10.1130/B31630.1

Zhao, X., Liu, C., Wang, J., Duan, L., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Q., Wei, L., 2017. Petrology, Geochemistry and Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Xiangshan Group in the Eastern Hexi Corridor Belt: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93, 1835–1849.

Wei, H.H., Wu, G.L., Duan, L., 2015. Revisiting Triassic stratigraphy of the Yanshan belt. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 58, 491–501.

Meng,Q.R., Wei, H.H., Wu, G.L., Duan, L., 2014. Early Mesozoic tectonic settings of the northern North China craton. Tectonophysics. 611, 155–166.

Wu, G.L., Meng,Q.R., Duan, L.Li, L., 2014. Early Mesozoic structural evolution of the eastern West Qinling, northwest China. Tectonophysics, 630,9–20.

Ma, S.X., Meng,Q.R., Duan, L., Wu, G.L., 2014. Reconstructing Late Paleozoic exhumation history of the Inner Mongolia Highland along the northern edge of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 87, 89–101.

Duan, L.*, Meng, Q.R., Wu, G.L., Ma, S.X., Li, L., 2012. Detrital zircon evidence for the linkage of the South China block with Gondwanaland in early Paleozoic. Geological Magazine. 149, 1124–1131.

Duan, L.*, Meng, Q.R., Zhang, C.L., Liu, X.M., 2011. Tracing the position of South China Block in Gondwana: U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of Devonian detrital zircons. Gondwana Research. 19, 141–149.

巨大立,杨钊,史小辉,段亮,董云鹏,尤嘉利. 2023. 河流地貌演化研究进展. 地质科学. 58, 1063–1090.

许璟,葛云锦,贺永红,蒲仁海,刘林玉,段亮, 杜克锋. 2023. 鄂尔多斯盆地延长探区长7油层组泥页岩孔隙结构定量表征与动态演化过程. 石油与天然气地质. 44, 292–307.

陶帅,王彬,李玮,段亮. 2022. 西秦岭东段对青藏高原东向扩展过程构造响应的古地磁制约. 地球物理学报. 65, 3502–3520.

许璟,贺永红,马芳侠,杜彦军,马浪,葛云锦,段亮*. 2021. 鄂尔多斯盆地定边油田主力油层有效储层厚度. 岩性油气藏. 33, 107–119.

詹容若,段亮*,罗晓容,史毅,魏荣浩,马楚萱.  2021. 无人机多点位航拍高分辨率三维数字露头建模. 西安科技大学学报. 41, 1050–1158

段亮*, 2010. 根据碎屑白云母40Ar/39Ar年龄追索喜马拉雅造山带的剥落历史:对青藏高原隆升过程的启示. 地质通报. 29(1), 27–35.


刘林玉,段亮,李红,高潮,曹青. 2013. 晶体光学与沉积岩岩石学实验教程. 地质出版社,北京. 140p.


2019.5,受邀参加“Sevier Foreland and Orogen”野外研讨会,美国哥伦比亚大学Lamont 研究所主办, Utah, USA.

Duan, L., 2018, Nanpanjiang basin: a window on intracontinental tectonic development of South China during Triassic assembly of the southeastern Asia: Vol. 20, EGU2018-7233, Vienna, Austria.

Duan, L., and Meng, Q.-R., 2015, Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of Triassic Nanpanjiang basin, South China: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 7, p. 37., Baltimore, USA.

Duan, L., and Meng, Q.-R., 2015, Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of Triassic Nanpanjiang basin, South China: 第八届世界华人地质大会, 台北.



2023.1-12:  国家自然科学基金专项项目“黑色页岩科学前沿和国家需求战略研究”(42242201) 参与

2022-2023:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划定向委托项目“黑色页岩与碳循环”(2022JC-DW5-01) 参与

2021-2024:国家自然科学基金面上项目“华北西南缘上奥陶统杂砾岩的时代、沉积作用和盆地充填过程”(42072258) 主持

2021-2022:延长油田“七里村油田长6致密储层沉积-成岩-成藏地质模型和示范平台建设 (YC-KJXM-08-2021) 主持

2021-2025:陕西省“三秦学者”创新团队,西北大学早期生命起源及其与环境的协同演化创新团队 参与

2020-2023:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目“特提斯构造域陆块裂解-聚合过程” (91955311) 参与

2020-2023:国家自然科学基金面上项目“鄂尔多斯盆地西南部三叠纪末沉积间断面发育过程及区域构造意义”(41972153) 参与

2018-2022:深地计划任务级子课题“华北地区新元古界-寒武系环境转换机制与微生物演化”(2017YFC0603101) 参与

2017-2020:国家科技重大专项任务“典型碎屑岩结构非均质性输导层的地质模型研究” (2017ZX05008-004-004-002)主持

2017-2020国家自然科学基金面上项目“阿尔金中-新元古代地层年代学格架、物源示踪及其古地理研究”(41672187) 参与

2015-2017:国家自然科学基金青年基金“南盘江盆地南部早-中三叠世深水浊积体系解剖与构造沉降分析” (41402191) 主持


2012-2015:国家自然科学基金重点项目“中生代华北克拉通西部地壳变形与南缘构造作用的关系” (91114204) 参与

2009-2012:国家自然科学基金重点项目“松潘地体北部三叠纪构造演化” (40830314) 参与