
职 称:教授




  • 一、个人简介:

  王新刚,男,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,西北大学黄土动力灾害与生态环境修复技术研究中心副主任。入选“陕西省青年杰出人才”、首批“秦岭生态环境保护青年学者”。2017-2020年,美国Texas A&M University博士后,中国地质大学地质工程专业博士,合肥工业大学勘查技术与工程专业学士。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后基金特别资助项目、国家自然基金重点项目专题和国家重点研发计划课题专题等国家级或省部级项目10余项;发表核心以上论文70余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文30余篇,EI论文20余篇,主要发表在地质工程领域的权威期刊《Engineering Geology》、《Landslides》等期刊上,论文他引2000余次;主编专著1部(科学出版社),授权国家发明专利10项;学术成果及科研报告(政府、企业)在城市地铁、地质灾害、水利水电及采矿工程等领域中应用,取得了一定的认可和经济效益。以往主要研究成果丰富和发展了地质灾害成灾机理与防控的理论方法体系,受到国内外同行专家的一定认可,为黄土地区地质灾害防控与重大工程稳定性、秦岭矿集区的安全生产与生态环境保护等问题的解决提供了科学依据与技术支撑。曾获得国家科技进步二等奖(R8/10)、陕西省科学技术一等奖(R8/10)、全国大学青年教师地质课程教学比赛一等奖(R1)、陕西省高等学校科学技术研究奖特等奖(R4/5)、湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖1次(R1/5)、共青团陕西省委秦岭生态科学考察项目特别奖(R1/7)等奖励



  • 1、获得人才荣誉


  • 2、学术兼职:

  国际岩石力学学会(ISRM)会员; 国际工程地质与环境学会(IAEG)会员;陕西省岩土力学与工程学会(SXRSME)常务理事、副秘书长;中国岩石力学与工程学会青年理事;中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石力学测试专业委员会副主任委员;中国工程地质专业委员会(IAEG)青年委员;中国岩石力学与工程学会(ISRM)滑坡与工程边坡分会理事;《Engineering Geology》、《Landslides》、《B Eng Geol Environ》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土力学》等10余个国内外权威期刊审稿人或青年副主任编委。

  • 3、承担课程: 本科生:《工程地质学》、《边坡工程与防护》、《支挡结构》;硕博研究生:《地质灾害机理与防控》、《工程加固及优化》
  • 二、学术情况
  • 1、出版教材/专著:

  王新刚,王家鼎—《复杂地质环境下边坡流变机理及稳定性研究》, 科学出版社, 30万字, 2018年,国际标准书号ISBN:978-7-03055559-5,中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2017)第283921号.


  • 2、代表性论文:  

      Wang XG; Wang JD; Li P; Zhan HB; Qiu HJ; Sheng H. (2020). Moisture Content Effect on the Creep Behavior of Loess for the Catastrophic Baqiao Landslide, CATENA, 187:104371, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.Catena.2019.104371. (SCI)

  Wang XG; Yin YP; Wang JD; Lian BQ; Qiu HJ; Gu TF.(2018). A nonstationary parameter model for the sandstone creep tests, Landslides, 2018,15(7): 1377-1389. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-018-0961-9. (SCI)     

      Wang XG; Lian BQ; Liu Kai; Luo Li.(2021). Trigger mechanism of loess-mudstone landslides inferred from ring shear tests and numerical simulation. Journal of Mountain Science, 2021,18(9): 2412-2426. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-021-6791-6. (SCI)

  Wang XG; Liu K; Lian BQ. (2021). Experimental study on ring shear properties of fiber-reinforced loess. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 80(6):5021–5029. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02243-0.  (SCI)

  Wang XG; Lian BQ; Wang JD; Feng WK; Gu TF.(2020). Creep damage properties of sandstone under dry-wet cycles. Journal of Mountain Science, 2020, 17(6):3112-3122. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-020-6284-z. (SCI)

  Wang XG; Zhan, H., Wang, J. , Li, Ping. (2019). On the mechanical damage to tailings sands subjected to dry–wet cycles. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 78(6):4647-4657. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-018-1427-y  (SCI)

      Wang XG; Huang L; Yan CB, Lian BQ, HKCV rheological constitutive model of mudstone under dry and saturated conditions, Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018 (2018), 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2621658  (SCI)

  Wang XG; Wang, JD; Gu TF; Lian BQ, A modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion considering the damage to reservoir bank slope rocks under water saturation-dehydration circulation , Journal of Mountain Science, 2017.4, 14(4): 771~781. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-016-4206-x (SCI)

  Wang XG; Hu, Bin; Tang, Huiming; Hu, Xinli; Wang, Jiading;Huang, Lei, A constitutive model of granite shear creep under moisture , Journal of Earth Science, 2016.8, 27(4): 677~685. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-016-0709-1 (SCI)

       Xue C; Wang XG*(通讯作者); Lian BQ; Luo L;Liu K (2023). Research on the mechanism of composite improvement of loess based on quantitative analysis of microstructure and mechanical strength. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 379:131215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.131215(SCI)

       Hu S; Wang XG*(通讯作者);Wang NL; et al.(2022). Dynamic process, influence, and triggering mechanism of slope remodelling by landslide clusters in the South Jingyang Tableland, China.CATENA, 217:106518, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106518(SCI)

       Lian BQ, Wang XG*(通讯作者), Zhan HB, Wang JD, Peng JB (2022). Creep mechanical and microstructural insights into the failure mechanism of loess landslides induced by dry-wetcycles in the Heifangtai platform, China, Engineering Geology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106589(SCI)

      Wang, D., Wang, X.,*(通讯作者), Chen, X. et al.(2022). Laboratory flume experiments on the characteristics of large wood accumulations from debris flow and the backwater rise at slit-check dams. Landslides. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01887-7 (SCI)

      Wang JD; Wang XG*(通讯作者); Zhan HB; Qiu HJ; Sheng H, (2019). A new superlinear viscoplastic shear model for accelerated rheological deformation. Computers and Geotechnics, 114:103132, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.103132. (SCI)

        Lian, B., Wang, X.,*(通讯作者),Liu, K. et al.(2021). A mechanical insight into the triggering mechanism of frequently occurred landslides along the contact between loess and red clay. Sci Rep 11, 17556. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96384-7 (SCI)

  Lian BQ; Peng JB; Zhan HB; Huang QB; Wang XG*(通讯作者);Sheng Hu.(2020).Formation mechanism analysis of irrigation-induced retrogressive loess Landslides.CATENA, 195,104441, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.104441. (SCI)

  Wang DZ;Wang XG*(通讯作者),et al(2022). Analysis of factors influencing the large wood transport and block-outburst in debris flow based on physical model experiment. Geomorphology, 398, 1 February 2022,108054, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108054 (SCI)

  Lian BQ;Wang XG*(通讯作者) ; Peng JB.(2020). Shear rate effect on the residual strength characteristics of saturated loess in naturally drained ring shear tests. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2843–2856, 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-2843-2020 (SCI)

王新刚;胡斌;唐辉明;胡新丽;贾鹏飞,渗透压-应力耦合作用下泥岩三轴流变实验及其流变本构,地球科学, 2016.5.15, (05): 886~894. (EI 检索号: 20162302468496)




王新刚;谷天峰;王家鼎,基质吸力控制下的非饱和黄土三轴蠕变试验研究,水文地质工程地质, 2017, 44(4): 57~61.

    X.G. Wang ,J.D. Wang,T.S.Hou. Geostress Test and Analysis of The Tibet Bangpu Mining Area, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2017,11(2): 156-162. (EI检索号:16802068)

  王新刚,胡斌,王家鼎,贾鹏飞,焦伟.基于GSI的Hoek-Brown强度准则定量化研究.岩石力学与工程学报,2015,34(S2):3805-3812. (EI检索号:20154501526179)

  王新刚;胡斌;连宝琴,改进的非线性黏弹塑性流变模型及花岗岩剪切流变模型参数辨识,岩土工程学报, 2014.2, 36(5): 916~921. (EI检索号: 20142317792020)

  王新刚;胡斌;连宝琴;祝凯;余宏明,西藏邦铺矿区花岗岩剪切流变本构研究及其开挖边坡长期稳定性分析,岩土力学, 2014.12.30, 35(12): 2496~3502. (EI 检索号: 20150200412540)

  Wang, Xingang; Ma, Chong,3D numerical analysis of anti-slide pile resistance effect and coupling effect of soil-pile interaction,Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v19, nR, p4133-4141, 2014 . (EI检索号: 20160501880671)

  王新刚; 胡斌;连宝琴;余宏明;胡新丽,库水位骤变下滑坡–抗滑桩体系作用三维分析,岩石力学与工程学报, 2013.12.30, 32(12): 2439~2446. (EI 检索号:20140317209564)

  王新刚, 胡 斌,连宝琴,蒋海飞,余宏明.碎石土边坡石灰改良与桩锚护坡稳定性数值分析,岩石力学与工程学报, 2013, 32(s2),3852-3860. (EI 检索号:20134817040331)

  王新刚,胡斌,赵治海,连宝琴.渗流作用下节理型黄土开挖边坡塌滑破坏分析[J].自然灾害学报, 2014,02:47-52.



  王新刚,陈晋,胡斌,陈芳,余宏明.基于赤平投影的节理控制性黄土边坡破坏模式分析[J].煤矿安全, 2013,08:210-212.

  王新刚,胡斌,刘强,蒋海飞,王伟.松树南沟矿区节理岩质边坡开挖稳定性分析[J].金属矿山,2013, 08:127-130.



       王新刚,胡斌,李博,刘智权,刘代田.西藏邦铺露天矿台阶边坡破坏类型分析[J].工程勘察,2011, 11:1-4+28.

      Hu, S., Qiu, H., Wang, N., Wang,X., et al. (2022). Movement process, geomorphological changes, and influencing factors of a reactivated loess landslide on the right bank of the middle of the Yellow River, China. Landslides. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01856-0 (SCI)

  Lian, B., Peng, J., Zhan, H., Wang, X. (2019). Mechanical response of root-reinforced loess with various water contents. Soil and Tillage Research, 193, 85-94. (SCI)

  Hu, Sheng ; Qiu, Haijun ; Wang, Xingang; Gao, Yu; Wang, Ninglian;Wu, Jiang; Yang, Dongdong; Cao, Mingming, Acquiring high-resolution topography and performing spatial analysis of loess landslides by using low-cost UAVs , landslide, 2017.10.21, 10.21(2017): 1~20. (SCI)

  Qiu, H., Hu, S., Wang, X., Yang, D., Pei, Y., Ma, S. (2019). Size and spatial distribution of loess slides on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Physical Geography, 1-19.  (SCI)

  Wang, J. D., Li, P., Ma, Y., Vanapalli, S. K., Wang, X. G. (2019). Change in pore-size distribution of collapsible loess due to loading and inundating. Acta Geotechnica, 1-14. (SCI)

  D. Yang, H. Qiu, S. Hu, Y. Pei, X. Wang, C. Du, Y. Long, M. (2021). CaoInfluence of successive landslides on topographic changes revealed by multitemporal high-resolution UAS-based DEM, CATENA, 202 :105229, 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105229(SCI)

  Qiu, H., Cui, P., Regmi, A. D., Hu, S., Wang, X., & Zhang, Y. (2018). The effects of slope length and slope gradient on the size distributions of loess slides: field observations and simulations.Geomorphology,300, 69-76.  (SCI)

  Qiu H, Cui P, Hu S, Regmi AD, Wang X, Yang D (2018) Developing empirical relationships to predict loess slide travel distances: a case study on the Loess Plateau in China.Bull Eng Geol Environ,77(4),1299-1309.  (SCI)

  Hu, S., Qiu, H., Pei, Y., Cui, Y., Xie, W., Wang, X., ... & Cao, M. (2019). Digital terrain analysis of a landslide on the loess tableland using high-resolution topography data.Landslides, 16(3), 617-632. (SCI)

  Qiu, H., Cui, P., Regmi, A. D., Hu, S., Wang, X., Zhang, Y.,He, Y.(2017). Influence of topography and volume on mobility of loess slides within different slip surfaces.Catena,157,180-188. (SCI)

  Lian, Baoqin; Wang, Xingang(通讯作者); Zhu, Rongsen ; Liu, Jie ; Wang.Yupeng,A numerical simulation study of landslides induced by irrigation in Heifangtai loess area - A case study of Huangci. Earth and Environmental Science, 108(3), 2018, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/108/3/032064. (EI检索号:20181004884592)

  Tian-shun Hou, Xin-gang Wang & Sibel Pamukcu,Geological Characteristics and Stability Evaluation of Wanjia Middle School Slope in Wenchuan Earthquake Area,Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, February 2016, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp 237-249. (EI检索号:20154501517545)

  Chong MA , Xingang WANG(通讯作者), Bin HU,etl. Numerical simulation analysis of isolation pile-steel shotcrete combined,Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 638-640 (2014) , p507-511. (EI检索号:20152300913031 )

  胡斌,王新刚(通讯作者),冯晓腊,胡启晨,王 伟.武汉地铁某深基坑开挖对周边高架桥影响的分析预测与数值模拟研究,岩土工程学报, 2014,36(s2):368-373. (EI 检索号: 20145100335356)

  Ma Chong , Hu Bin*, Zhan Hongbing,Wang, Xingang. Triaxial Rheological Mechanism and Creep Model of Mudstone under Complex Stress, E-Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 6(21):2127~2142(EI检索号:20164402973560)

  胡斌,蒋海飞,胡新丽,郭利娜,王新刚.紫红色泥岩剪切流变力学特性分析.岩石力学与工程学报,2012,31(S1):2796-2802.(EI 检索号:20123515382011)

  Lian Baoqin,Wang, Xingang(通讯作者),Research on the optimal design of cutting and excavation control for a loess landslide based on numerical simulation.Advances in Engineering Research 75,318-322,2016. (CPCI)

  Lian Baoqin,Wang, Xingang(通讯作者),Estimation of rock mass mechanical parameters of an open-pit mine,Advances in Engineering Research, 2016,95,399-403. (CPCI )

  Ma, C., Wang, X. G.*, Hu, B., & Zhan, H. B. (2014). Numerical simulation analysis of isolation pile-steel shotcrete combined support of deep foundation pit excavation.Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 638, pp. 507-511. (EI 检索号:20152300913031)

  胡斌,王新刚(通讯作者),连宝琴.纤维类材料改善膨胀土工程性能的适用性探讨.岩土工程学报,2010,32(S2):615-618. (EI 检索号:20103813251986 )



  谭维佳,王新刚*.刘飞.考虑降雨渗流影响的露天煤矿黄土开挖边坡分析[J].地质科技情报, 2015,01:198-203.

  陈芳,王新刚*, 吴永风.改进的邓肯-张本构模型在碎石土边坡稳定性分析中的应用[J].水力发电,2014,40(05):21-23+36.

  谭维佳,王新刚*, 胡斌,刘飞,刘强.不同建筑物对地铁基坑相互效应影响分析[J].地下空间与工程学报, 2014,04:868-872.

  郭健,王新刚* ,刘强.节理控制性岩质边坡的稳定性分析[J].矿业研究与开发,2014,05:31-35.

  胡斌,王新刚* , 刘智权,余业清,刘代田,尹财富.西藏邦铺露天矿岩体优势结构面与边坡稳定性分析[J].金属矿山,2011,04:12-15.

  • 3、国家发明专利:

  王新刚,王家鼎,谢婉丽,谷天峰,贾鹏飞. 一种新型的软岩剪切流变仪,授权,专利号:CN201610023382.9
      王新刚,王家鼎,谢婉丽. 一种滑坡蠕变监测的预警系统及方法,授权,专利号:CN201610466160.4
      王新刚,王家鼎,朱荣森,贾鹏飞,刘杰,王钰鹏. 一种用于测定饱和黄土泥岩接触面的原位剪切实验仪,授权,专利号:CN201710427656.5
      王新刚,连宝琴,王清华,董跃等. 一种定量模拟土体三轴试样干湿循环的试验装置,授权,专利号:CN202022541282.X
      王新刚,罗力,王道正,连宝琴,薛晨,刘凯. 一种改良黄土路基填料及其对路堤本体进行施工的方法,公开,专利号:CN202211186962.1.
      贾鹏飞,王新刚. 一种空间基础地理图形数据采集系统,公开,专利号:CNCN201710186548.3.
      刘凯,王新刚,薛晨,罗力. 一种裂缝测量装置,授权,专利号:CN202222423858.1.

  • 4、主持教学改革项目

      2023年3月, “科教融合-产教引领-实践创新”的地学研究生培养模式构建与探索——陕西省研究生教育综合改革研究与实践项目,陕西省重点教改项目

      2021年,基于“互联网 +、大地质观” 的科教融合教学模式探索与实践”——西北大学一流本科专业建设教学改革重点项目;

  • 5、学术会议和学术交流


2nd International Conference on Geology, Mapping and Remote Sensing ( ICGMRS 2021 )第二届地质、测绘与遥感国际学术会议2021.4.23-25学术委员会委员,http://2021.icgmrs.com/committeeSpeaker.



美国地球物理联合秋季会议AGU Fall Meeting,Moisture content effect on the creep behavior of loess : a case study for the baqiao landslide,旧金山,2019.12.9-13Poster

第一届巴东国际地质灾害学术论坛,New Progress in Research on Mechanical Parameters of Slip Zone Soils of Loess Landslides in Complex Geological Environments,巴东,2017.8.26-27,特邀报告人.



  • 三、科研奖励











  • 四、教学奖励







