
职 称:研究员




1999-2006年在西北大学地质系学习,获理学学士/硕士学位,2011年获理学博士学位;2006-2015年在中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心(西安地质矿产研究所)工作,2015年至今在西北大学地质系工作。2019.4-2020.7 耶鲁大学地球与行星科学系访问学者。承担《结晶学与矿物学》、《成因矿物学与热力学》、《安徽巢湖野外地质实习》和《四川马角坝野外地质实习》等课程教学工作。主要通过矿物学、岩石学、地球化学、年代学和热力学模拟方法,从事大陆岩石圈物质演化与动力学过程研究工作。代表性成果有两方面:(1)厘定青藏高原北缘前寒武纪物质组成、时代格架与超大陆演化关系史;(2)揭示青藏高原北部古生代花岗质岩浆成因与地壳演化、造山作用之间的耦合关系。已主持国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题和国家973二级项目子课题、大陆动力学国家重点实验室团队重点课题、陕西省科技计划项目和中国地质调查局项目十余项。先后入选中国地质调查局百名地质英才、陕西省青年科技新星、国土资源杰出青年科技人才培养计划和自然资源部高层次科技创新人才计划,作为主要完成人荣获陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖和陕西省科学技术奖一等奖。



Wang, C*., Jing, Xianqing*. & Meert, J.G. 2023. Neoproterozoic reorganization of the Circum- Mozambique orogens and growth of megacontinent Gondwana. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 216. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00883-6

Hao, J., Wang, C*.,Zhang, S., Liu,L., Ji, WB., Meert, J.G., Wu, HN., Li, H., Yu, ZP., Sun, XK., Ma, DQ., Gai, Y.S. 2023. Grenvillian evolution of the Qaidam block and its position in Rodinia constrained by U–Pb–Hf composition of detrital zircons from the Altyn Tagh, Northern Tibet. Gondwana Research 122, 60–73.

Wang, C., Evans, D. A. D., Li, M., Zhang, J.,Han, J., Wen, B., Wang, J., Zhao, J. 2022. Proterozoic-Mesozoic development of the Quanji block from northern Tibet and the cratonic assembly of eastern Asia. American Journal of Science, 322 (5) 705-727; DOI: 10.2475/05.2022.03

Hao, J., Wang, C*., Liu, L., Wu, H., Yang, W., Kang, L., Gai, Y., Cao, Y., Meert, J. G., Ma, D., Li, H., Yu, Z., 2022. Reappraisal of the petrogenetic processes of Neoproterozoic granitoids in the Altyn Tagh, NW China : Implications for reconstruction of the Qaidam block in Rodinia. Precambrian Research, 379(June), 106782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106782

Li, H., Wang, C*., Hames, W., Hao, J., Meert, J. G., Yu, Z., Zhang, S., Sun, X., Ma, D., Li, X. 2022. Grenville-age basement and early Paleozoic reworking in the Qilian Orogen , NW China : Implications for paleotectonic reconstruction of Rodinia and Gondwana. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237(July), 105351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105351

Hao, J.,Wang, C*., Zhang, J., Liu,L., Gai,Y.S., Li, H., Yu, ZP., Long, XP., Sun, XK.,  Zhang S. 2020. Episodic Neoproterozoic extension-related magmatism in the Altyn Tagh, NW China: implications for extension and breakup processes of Rodinia supercontinent. International Geology Review, DOI:10.1080/00206814.2020.1836524.

Wang, C., Zhang, J.H., Li, M., Li, R.S., Peng, Y., 2015. Generation of ca. 900–870 Ma bimodal rifting volcanism along the southwestern margin of the Tarim Craton and its implications for the Tarim–North China connection in the Early Neoproterozoic. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 113, 610–625.

Wang, C., Li, R.S., Li, M., Meert, J., Peng, Y., 2015. Palaeoproterozoic magmatic–metamorphic history of the Quanji Massif, Northwest China: implications for a single North China-Quanji-Tarim craton within the Columbia supercontinent? International Geology Review, 57 (13), 1772-1790.

Wang, C., Liu, L., Wang, Y.H., He, S.P., Li, R.S., Li, M., Yang, W.Q., Cao, Y.T. Collins, A., Shi, C., Wu, Z.N., 2015. Recognition and tectonic implications of an extensive Neoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary rift basin along the southwestern margin of the Tarim Craton, northwestern China. Precambrian Research, 257,65–82.

Wang, C., Wang, Y.H., Liu, L., He, S.P, Li, R.S., Li, M., Yang, W.Q., Cao, Y.T., Meert, J., Shi, C., Yu, H.Y., 2014. The Palaeoproterozoic magmatic-metamorphic events and cover sediments of the Tiekelik Belt along the southwestern margin of the Tarim Craton, northwestern China. Precambrian Research.254,210–225.

Wang, C., Liu, L., Yang, W.Q., Cao, Y.T. Zhu, X.H., Chen, S.F., Li, R.S., He, S.P., 2013.Provenance and ages of the Altyn Complex in Altyn Tagh: implications for the early Neoproterozoic evolution of northwestern China.Precambrian Research, 230,193-208.

Wang C., Liu L., He S.P., Li R.S., Yang W.Q., Cao Y.T., 2012. The timing of Precambrian basement from east segment of Tiekelike tectonic belt, southwestern Tarim, China: Constrains from zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope.Journal of Earth Science, 23, 142-154.

王超, 刘良, 李荣社. 2018. 青藏高原北缘前寒武纪地质演化: 进展与讨论. 地质科学, 53(3), 972-999.

王超,李猛,李荣社,彭岩,张吉衡,张海军,王健. 2015.青海柴达木盆地北缘全吉群内部存在区域性不整合.地质通报, 34(2/3): 364-373.

李猛,王超*,李荣社,彭岩. 2015.祁连山西段新元古代晚期花岗质片麻岩成因及LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年.地质通报, (08): 1438-1446.

王超,刘良,杨文强,王亚伟,廖小莹,曹玉亭,康磊. 2015.北阿尔金-敦煌地块太古代-古元古代地壳生长和改造:来自锆石U-Pb年代学的研究.地质论评, 61 (增刊). 718-719.

王超,何世平,时超,于浦生. 2012.塔里木盆地西南缘铁克里克地区博查特塔格组的组成和时代:来自碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄的指示.地质通报, 31(08): 1233-1243.



Ma, D., Wang, C*.,Li, H., Zhu, X., Hao, J., Yu, Z., Sun, X., Zhang, S., & Li, X. 2023. Petrogenesis of mafic-intermediate dykes from the Central Qilian belt, NW China: Significance of the role of subducted compositions in sub-arc mantle. Geological Journal, 58(7), 2790–2804.

Li X., Wang C*., Wu M., Zhang J., Zhu X., G. Meert J., Sun X., Li H., Hao J., Yu Z. 2023. Crystal accumulation induced Sr/Y variation: insights from a rear-arc pluton in the western Central Qilian Belt, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 256, 105806, 10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105806.

Wang, C., Liu, L., Yang, W., Cao, Y., Smithies, R. H., 2022. Mafic magma-driven magmatic processes and compositional variation in granitic pluton construction: The Buya intrusion of West Kunlun, Northwestern China. Geosphere, 18(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1130/ges02451.1

孙晓奎, 王超, 李航, 郝江波, 喻遵谱, 张帅, 马得青, 李雪. 2022. 弧地壳深部岩浆结晶分异过程: 来自中祁连西段哈马尔达坂杂岩体的年代学、地球化学和热力学模拟研究. 岩石学报, 38(4): 1169-1188. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2022.04.12

张帅, 王超, 郝江波, 李航, 朱小辉, 喻遵谱, 孙晓奎, 靳梦琪. 2022. 中祁连党河南山-木里地区早古生代火山-沉积岩系锆石U-Pb年代学、物源示踪及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 38(3): 813-829. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2022.03.13

Zhao, G.J.,Wang, C*., Zhu, X.H., Hao, J.B.., Li, H., Meert, J.G., Gai, Y.S., Long, X.P., Ma, T. 2020. Intraoceanic back-arc magma diversity: Insights from a relic of the Proto-Tethys oceanic lithosphere in the western Qilian Orogen, NW China. Chemical Geology, 550, 119756.

Li, M., Wang, C*., Li, R.S., Meert, J., Peng, Y., Zhang, J.H., 2019. Identifying late Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic sediments in the South Qilian Belt, China: A peri-Gondwana connection in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research, 76, 173–184.

Wang, C*., Li, M., Meert, J., Liu, L. Identifying late Neoproterozoic – early Paleozoic sediments in the South Qilian Belt, NW China: insights from Rodina to Gondwana.  2019AGUFM.T43I0538L.

Wang, C., Li, R.S., Smithies, R.H., Li, M., Peng, Y., Chen, F.N., He, S.P., 2017. Early Paleozoic felsic magmatic evolution of the western Central Qilian belt, Northwestern China, and constraints on convergent margin processes. Gondwana Research, 41, 301–324

Wang, C., Liu, L., Korhonen, F., Yang, W.Q., Cao, Y.T., He, S.P., Zhu, X.H., Liang, W.T., 2016. Generation of Early Mesozoic post-collisional granitoids from West Kunlun, NW China: Implications for an evolving magmatism related to closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 941-964.

Wang, C., Liu, L., Xiao, P.X., Cao, Y.T. Yu, H.Y., Meert, J., Liang, W.T., 2014. Geochemical and geochronologic constraints for Paleozoic magmatism related to the orogenic collapse in the Qimantagh–South Altyn region, northwestern China.Lithos, 202-203, 1-20.

Wang C., Liu L., Yang W.Q., Cao Y.T, Li R.S., He S.P. 2011. Multiple generations of granitic magma in the West Kunlun, NW China: Implications for crustal melting and mantle-crust interaction at an active continental margin. Mineralogical Magazine, Volume 75, Number 3, 2113, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2011. (国际会议摘要)

王超,刘良,何世平,杨文强,曹玉亭,朱小辉,李荣社. 2013.西昆仑早古生代岩浆作用过程:布隆花岗岩地球化学和锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素组成研究.地质科学, 48(4):997-1041.

王超,罗金海,车自成,刘良,张敬艺. 2009.新疆欧西达坂花岗质岩体地球化学特征和锆石LA-ICP-MS定年:西南天山古生代洋盆俯冲作用过程的启示.地质学报, 83(2): 272-283.

王超,刘良,张安达,杨文强,曹玉亭.2008.阿尔金造山带南缘岩浆混合作用:玉苏普阿勒克塔格岩体岩石学和地球化学证据.岩石学报, 24(12): 2809-2819.

王超,刘良,车自成,罗金海. 2008.西南天山阔克萨彦岭地区巴雷公地幔橄榄岩成因及其地质意义.地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 33(2):165-173.

王超,刘良,罗金海,车自成. 2008.西南天山古生代洋盆演化――来自岩石学的记录.矿物岩石地球化学通报, 27(增刊): 278-279.

王超,刘良,罗金海,车自成,滕志宏,曹宣铎,张静艺. 2007.西南天山晚古生代后碰撞岩浆作用:以阔克萨彦岭地区巴雷公花岗岩为例.岩石学报, 23(8): 1830-1840.

王超,刘良,车自成,罗金海,张静艺.2007.西南天山阔克萨彦岭巴雷公镁铁质岩石的地球化学特征、年代学及其大地构造意义.地质论评,53(6): 743-754.


Cao, Y.T., Liu, L., Wang, C., Kang, L., Li, D., Yang, W.Q., Zhu, X. H. 2019. Timing and nature of the partial melting processes during the exhumation of the garnet–bearing biotite gneiss in the southern Altyn Tagh HP/UHP belt, Western China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 170, 274–293. 

Liao, X.Y., Wang, Y.W., Liu, L.,Wang, C., Santosh, M., 2017. Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data from the Liuling Group in the South Qinling belt: Provenance and tectonic implications.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134, 244–261.

Cao Y.T, Liu L, Chen D.L,Wang C, Yang W.Q, Kang L, Zhu X.H, 2017. Partial melting during exhumation of Paleozoic retrograde eclogite in North Qaidam, western China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 148, 223-240.

Gai, Y.S., Liu, L.,Wang, C., Yang, W.Q., Kang, L., Cao, Y.T., Liao, X.Y., 2017. Discovery of coesite in eclogite from Keqike Jianggalesayi: new evidence for ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in South Altyn Tagh, northwestern China.Science Bulletin62, 1048–1051.

Liu, L., Liao, X.Y., Wang, Y.W.,Wang, C., Santosh, M., Yang, M., Zhang, C.L., Chen, D.L., 2016. Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt in Central China: Insights on continental deep subduction and multiphase exhumation.Earth-Science Reviews,159, 58–81.

Liu, L.,Wang, C., Cao, Y.T., Chen, D.L., Kang, L., Yang, W.Q., Zhu, X.H., 2012. Geochronology of multi-stage metamorphic events: Constraints on episodic zircon growth from the UHP eclogite in the South Altyn, NW China. Lithos, 136–139, 10–26.

Wang C., Liu L., Chen D.L., Cao Y.T., 2011. Petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and metamorphic evolution of garnet peridotites from South Altyn Tagh UHP terrane, NW China: Records related to crustal slab subduction and exhumation history. In (Eds. L. Dobrzhinetskaya, W. Faryad, S. Wallis and S. Cuthbert),Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism: 25 years after the discovery of metamorphic coesite and diamond,Elsvier, 541-576.

Liu, L.,Wang, C., Chen, D., Zhang, A., Liou, J.G., 2009. Petrology and geochronology of HP-UHP rocks from the south Altyn Tagh, northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35, 232-244.


青藏高原及邻区前寒武纪地质图(1:150万)及说明书. 地质出版社,2012

青藏高原及邻区前寒武纪地质. 中国地质大学出版社, 2014,1-228.

西北地区大地构造环境与成矿. 中国地质大学出版社,2020,1-292


中国西北地质图(1:1000000)及说明书. 中国地质大学出版社,2022


2013-  中国地质调查局造山带地质研究中心秘书长

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