
职 称:副教授


研究方向:元素与同位素地球化学, 板块俯冲的化学过程




2022.10-至今 西北大学,  地质学系, 副教授

2021.09-2022.10 西北大学,  地质学系, 讲师

2018.07 - 2021.06 西北大学,  地质学系,  博士后

2012.09 - 2018.06 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,  地球化学,  博士

2008.09 - 2012.06 西北大学,  地质学(基地班),  学士




1. Lv, N., Bao, Z., Chen, K., Wu, K., Yuan, H., 2022. Accurate analysis of Cu isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS with non-matrix-matched calibration. Science China Earth Sciences, 1-13.


1. Wu K., Zhang L.P., Yuan H.L., Sun W.D., Deng J.H., Zartman, R.E., Guo J., Bao Z.A., Zong C.L., 2021. Boron, arsenic and antimony recycling in subduction zones: New insights from interactions between forearc serpentinites and CO2-rich fluids at the slab-mantle interface[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 298: 21-42. (NI期刊)

2. Wu K., Zhang L.P., Jiang X.Y., Chen Y.X., Guo J., Sun W.D., Sui Q.L., Yuan H.L., 2021. Continental crust growth during the evolution of accretionary orogens: insights form the early Paleozoic granitoids in the Western Kunlun orogen, Northwest China[J]. Lithos, 398-399, 1-15. 

3. Guo, J., Xiang, L., Zhang, R., Yang, T., Wu, K.,  Sun, W.D., 2021. Chemical and boron isotopic variations of tourmaline deciphering magmatic-hydrothermal evolution at the Gejiu Sn-polymetallic district, South China. Chemical Geology, 120698.

4. Guo, J., Wu, K., Reimar, Seltmann., Zhang, R.Q., Ling, M.X., Li, C.Y., Sun, W.D., 2021. Unraveling the link between mantle upwelling and formation of Sn-bearing granitic rocks in the world-class Dachang tin district, South China. Geological Society of America Bulletin.

5. Zhang, L.P., Hu, Y.B., Deng, J.H., Wang, J.R., Wang, K., Sui, Q.L., Chen, Y.X., Wu, K., Sun, W.D., 2021. Genesis and mineralization potential of the Late Cretaceous Chemen granodioritic intrusion in the southern Gangdese magmatic belt, Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 217, 104829.

6. Chen, Y.X, Cui, Y., Song, S., Wu, K., Sun, W.,  Xiao, T. 2021. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of cambrian Nb-enriched I-and aluminous A-type granites in the North Qilian suture zone. International Geology Review, 63(9), 1090-1109.

7.  Lv, N., Chen, K., Bao, Z., Wu, K., Lei, D., Yuan, H. 2021. Non-matrix-matched 9 μm U-Pb Dating of Zircon Using Excimer Laser Ablation ICP-MS. Atomic Spectroscopy, 42(2), 51-61.


1. Wu K., Yuan H.L., Lyu N., Zhang L.P., 2020. The behavior of fluid mobile elements during serpentinization and dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 36(1): 141-153. 

2. 吴凯,张丽鹏,江小燕,张玉泉,孙卫东,袁洪林. 2020. 云南铺台山花岗斑岩的地球化学特征、锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质意义[J]. 大地构造与成矿学, 44(5):986-997. 

3. Jiang, X. Y., Wu, K., Luo, J. C., Zhang, L. P., Sun, W. D.,  Xia, X. P. 2020. An A1-type granite that borders A2-type: insights from the geochemical characteristics of the Zongyang A-type granite in the Lower Yangtze River Belt, China. International Geology Review, 62(17), 2203-2220.


1. Wu, K., Ling, M.X., Hu, Y.B., Guo, J., Jiang, X.Y., Sun, S.J., Liang, H.Y., Liu, X., Sun, W.D., 2018. Melt-fluxed melting of the heterogeneously mixed lower arc crust: a case study from the Qinling orogenic belt, central China. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(6):1767-1788. 

2. Wu, K., Ding, X., Ling, M. X., Sun, W.D., Zhang, L.P., Hu, Y.B., Huang, R.F., 2018. Origins of two types of serpentinites from the Qinling orogenic belt, central China and associated fluid/melt-rock interactions[J]. Lithos, 302-303, 50-64. 

3. Jiang, X.Y., Li, H., Ding, X., Wu, K., Guo, J., Liu, J., Sun, W.D., 2018. Formation ofA-type granites in the Lower Yangtze River Belt: A perspective from apatite geochemistry[J]. Lithos, 304-307, 125-134.

4. Jiang, X. Y., Luo, J. C., Guo, J., Wu, K., Zhang, Z. K., Sun, W. D., Xia, X. P. 2018. Geochemistry of I-and A-type granites of the Qingyang–Jiuhuashan complex, eastern China: Insights into early cretaceous multistage magmatism. Lithos, 316, 278-294.

5. Guo, J., Zhang, R.Q., Sun, W.D., Ling, M.X., Hu, Y.B., Wu, K., Luo, M., Zhang, L.C., 2018. Genesis of tin-dominant polymetallic deposits in the Dachang district, South China: Insights from cassiterite U–Pb ages and trace element compositions. Ore Geology Reviews, 95, 863-879.   

6. Xue, S., Xu, Y., Ling, M.X., Kang, Q.Q., Jiang, X.Y., Sun, S.J., Wu, K., Zhang, Z.K., Luo, Z.B., Liu, Y.L., 2018. Geochemical constraints on genesis of Paleoproterozoic A-type granite in the south margin of North China Craton. Lithos, 304-307, 489-500.

7. Zhang, L.P., Zhang, R.Q., Wu, K., Chen, Y.X., Li, C.Y., Hu, Y.B., He, J.J., Liang, J.L., Sun, W.D., 2018. Late Cretaceous granitic magmatism and mineralization in the Yingwuling W–Sn deposit, South China: Constraints from zircon and cassiterite U–Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews. doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.04.012


1. Wu, K., Ling, M.X., Sun, W.D., Guo, J., Zhang, C.C., 2017. Major transition of continental basalts in the Early Cretaceous: Implications for the destruction of the North China Craton[J]. Chemical Geology, 470: 93-106. 

2. Zhang, C.C., Sun, W.D., Wang, J.T., Zhang, L.P., Sun, S.J., Wu, K., 2017. Oxygen fugacity and porphyry mineralization: a zircon perspective of Dexing porphyry Cu deposit, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 206, 343-363


1. Sun, W. , Lin, C.T., Zhang, C.C., Hu, Y., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Li, C.Y., Li, H., Wu, K., Fan, W.M. (2016). Initiation and evolution of the South China Sea: an overview. Acta Geochimica, 35(3), 215-225.


1. Hu, Y.B., Liu, J.Q., Ling, M.X., Ding, W., Liu, Y., Zartman, R.E., Ma, X.F., Liu, D.Y., Zhang, C.C., Sun, S.J., Zhang, L.P., Wu, K., Sun, W.D., 2015. The formation of Qulong adakites and their relationship with porphyry copper deposit: Geochemical constraints. Lithos, 220–223, 60-80.

2. 苏扣林, 丁兴, 黄永贵, 郑小战, 吴凯, 胡永斌, 2015. 粤中早白垩世亚髻山 正长质杂岩体的成分分异及岩石成因岩石学报: 2015, 31: 829-845.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41903009,西秦岭造山带蛇纹岩的Mg同位素研究,2020/1-2022/12(主持)

2. 中国博士后基金面上项目,2018M643711,俯冲带内蛇纹石矿物相转变过程中的元素迁移和流体活动,2019/1-2021/07(主持)

3. 国家重点研发计划项目“燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应”第八课题(2016YFC0600408),2016/7-2021/06 (参加)