
职 称:副教授






  • 2022.10 至今:西北大学地质学系 副教授
  • 2022.05–2023.05:德国哥廷根科学院 博士后
  • 2021.09–2022.09:西北大学地质学系 讲师
  • 2019.07–2021.08:西北大学 师资博士后


  • 2014.09–2019.06:博士研究生(2019年6月21日获理学博士学位)
  • 2017.09.03–2018.03.28:联合培养博士研究生
合作导师:Glenn A. Brock教授
  • 2010.09–2014.07:大学本科(2014年7月1日获理学学士学位)




SCI学术期刊发表学术论文18篇,其中第一作者7篇,第一作者论文中包括A类(top)期刊(NI = Nature Index)文章2篇。

  • 1) Yun H., Luo C., Chang C., Li L., Reitner J., Zhang X., 2022. Adaptive specialization of a unique sponge body from the Cambrian Qingjiang Biota. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289: 20220804. (生命科学A类期刊;NI)
  • 2) Yun H., Zhang X., Brock G.A., Li L., Li, G., 2021. Biomineralization of the Cambrian chancelloriids. Geology 49(6): 623–628. (地球科学A类期刊;SCI一区;NI)
  • 3) Yun H., Cui L., Li L., Liu W., Zhang X., 2021. Pyritized preservation of chancelloriids from the Cambrian Stage 3 of South China and implications for biomineralization. Geobios 69: 77–86.
  • 4) Yun H., Brock G.A., Zhang X., Li L., García-Bellido D.C., Paterson J.R., 2019. A new chancelloriid from the Emu Bay Shale (Cambrian Stage 4) of South Australia. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 17(13): 857–867.
  • 5) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., Pan, B., Li, G., Brock G.A., 2019. Chancelloriid sclerites from the lowermost Cambrian of North China and discussion of sclerite taxonomy. Geobios 53: 65–75.
  • 6) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., 2018. Chancelloriid Allonnia erjiensis sp. nov. from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte of South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16(5): 435–444.
  • 7) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., Zhang M., Liu W., 2016. Skeletal fossils and microfacies analysis of the lowermost Cambrian in the southwestern margin of the North China Platform. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 129: 54–66.
  • 8) Chang C., Wang Z., Huang K., Yun H., Zhang X., 2022. Nitrogen cycling during the peak Cambrian explosion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 336: 50–61. (地球科学A类期刊; NI)
  • 9) Liu W., Chang C., Yun H., Cui L., Zhang X., 2021. A laminated microbial ecosystem at the summit of the Cambrian Explosion. Global and Planetary Change 205: 103619.
  • 10) Li L., Skovsted C.B., Dai T., Yun H., Fu D., Zhang X., 2021. Qingjianglepas from the Qingjiang biota, an evolutionary dead-end of Cambrian helcionelloid mollusks? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 575, 110480.
  • 11) Chen F., Brock G.A., Betts M.J., Zhang Z., Yun H., Klaebe R.M., Laing B., Zhang Z., 2021. Sedimentology and integrated chronostratigraphy of the lower Heatherdale Shale (Cambrian, Stages 2–3), Stansbury Basin, South Australia. Geological Magazine 158(7): 1224–1236.
  • 12) Li L., Zhang X., Skovsted C.B., Yun H., Pan B., Li G., 2021. Revisiting the molluscan fauna from the Cambrian (Series 2, Stages 3–4) Xinji Formation of North China. Papers in Palaeontology 7(1): 521–564.
  • 13) Li L., Skovsted C.B., Yun H., Betts M.J., Zhang X., 2020. New insight into the soft anatomy and shell microstructures of early Cambrian orthothecids (Hyolitha). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287(1933): 20201467. (生命科学A类期刊;NI)
  • 14) Fu D., Tong G., Dai T., Liu W., Yang Y., Zhang Y., Cui L., Li L., Yun H., Wu Y., Sun A., Liu C., Pei W., Gaines R.R., Zhang X., 2019. The Qingjiang biota – A Burgess Shale-type fossil Lagerstätte from the early Cambrian of South China. Science 363(6433): 1338–1342. (综合科学A类期刊;SCI一区;NI)
  • 15) Li L., Zhang X., Skovsted C.B., Yun H., Li G., Pan B., 2019. Shell microstructures of the helcionelloid mollusk Anabarella australis from the lower Cambrian (Series 2) Xinji Formation of North China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 17(20): 1479–1489.
  • 16) Li L., Zhang X., Skovsted C.B., Yun H., Pan B., Li G., 2019. Homologous shell microstructures in Cambrian hyoliths and molluscs. Palaeontology 62(4): 515–532. DOI: 10.1111/pala.12406.
  • 17) Li L., Zhang X., Yun H., Li G., 2017. Complex hierarchical microstructures of Cambrian mollusk Pelagiella: insight into early biomineralization and evolution. Scientific Reports 7:1935.
  • 18) Li L.Y., Zhang X., Yun H., Li G., 2016. New occurrence of Cambroclavus absonus from the lowermost Cambrian of North China and its stratigraphical importance. Alcheringa 40: 45–52.


  • 贠浩, 2019. 寒武纪开腔骨动物的分类与演化(Taxonomy and evolution of the Cambrian animal chancelloriids). 西北大学博士学位论文, pp. 185.


  • 贠浩, 李洛阳, 张兴亮, 潘兵, 李国祥, 2021. 华北小壳化石: 探秘寒武纪生命大爆发的窗口. 科普时报, 第173期(2021年2月26日)头版. 


  • Li L., Yun H., Zhang X., 2018. Precambrian-Cambrian transition in the southern margin of North China. Guidebook for preconference field trip No. 1, pp. 24. In: International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences 2018 (Joint meeting of ISES and ISCS).



  • 2022.05–2023.05:寒武纪大爆发时期海绵动物的演化及古生态(202006970034/91809892),中德(CSC-DAAD)博士后项目(2021,2.7万欧元,主持
  • 2021.01–2023.12:开腔骨动物的矿化作用与谱系演化研究(42002011),国家自然科学基金青年项目,24万,主持
  • 2019.11–2021.09:寒武纪大爆发时期开腔骨动物的分类与演化(2019M663793),中国博士后基金面上项目(第66批二等),8万,主持
  • 2020.01–2024.12:寒武纪清江生物群研究(41930319),国家自然科学基金重点项目,301万,参加(主持一项子课题)
  • 2020.01–2023.12:寒武纪大爆发时期生态系统演化,大陆动力学国家重点实验室自主研究课题,245万元,参加(主持一项子课题)
  • 2019.01–2023.12:寒武纪大爆发时期动物门类多样性及其演化关系研究(41890845),国家自然科学基金重大项目,430万元,参加
  • 2017.01–2022.12:早期生命演化(41621003),国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,1050万元,参加(主持一项子课题)




  • 1) 贠浩, 张兴亮, Brock G.A., 李洛阳, 李国祥. 寒武纪开腔骨动物的生物矿化. 中国古生物学会第三十届学术年会, 西安(online), 2022.05.25–27. (分会场主题报告;野外考察领队之一)
  • 2) 贠浩. 寒武纪开腔骨动物的生物矿化. 陕西省古生物学会2022年学术云会议, 西安(online), 2022.01.22. (特邀报告)
  • 3) Yun H., Zhang X., Brock G.A., Li L., Li G. Biomineralization of the Cambrian chancelloriids. IGCP668: Equatorial Gondwanan History and Early Palaeozoic Evolutionary Dynamics, Tsukuba, Japan (online meeting), 2021.07.16–19. (口头报告)
  • 4) 贠浩, 李洛阳, 潘兵, 李国祥, 张兴亮. 寒武纪大爆发在华北:辛集组小壳化石研究新进展. 第七届青年地学论坛, 贵阳, 2021.07.10–11. (口头报告)
  • 5) 贠浩, 张兴亮, Brock G.A., 李洛阳, 李国祥. 寒武纪开腔骨动物的生物矿化. 第五届中国地质学会青年地质大会, 贵阳, 2021.04.23–25. (分会场专题报告)
  • 6) Yun H., Zhang X. Distribution and biostratigraphy of the Cambrian chancelloriids: a review. 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, Milan, Italy, 2019.07.02–05. (口头报告)
  • 7) 贠浩, 张兴亮, Brock G.A., 李洛阳. Chancelloriids from Chengjiang of South China and Emu Bay Shale of South Australia. 中国古生物学会第29届年会, 郑州, 2018. 09.17–19. (口头报告)
  • 8) Yun H., Zhang X., Brock G.A., Li L. New chancelloriids from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte of South China and Emu Bay Shale of South Australia. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences 2018, Xi’an, China, 2018.08.12–16. (展板报告;野外考察领队之一)
  • 9) Yun H., Zhang X., Brock G.A., Li L., Li G. Sclerite microstructure and aragonite biomineralization in problematic Cambrian chancelloriids. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France, 2018.07.09–13. (口头报告)
  • 10) International Workshop on Evolution of Cambrian Arthropods, Xi’an, China, 2017.09.01–02. (作为主办方参会交流)
  • 11) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., Li G. Sclerite arrangement of chancelloriids. International Symposium on the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition 2017, St. John’s, Canada, 2017.06.20–22. (展板报告)
  • 12) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., Zhang M., Liu W. Small shelly fossils from the lowest Cambrian bioclastic limestone in southwestern margin of North China: composition and biostratigraphy. Palaeo Down Under 2, Adelaide, Australia, 2016. 07.10–15. (口头报告)
  • 13) Yun H., Zhang X., Li L., Zhang M., Liu W. Small shelly fossils from the lowest Cambrian bioclastic limestone in southwestern margin of North China. International Workshop on the Cambrian Explosion 2016, Xi’an, China, 2016.05.18–19. (展板报告)


  • 2021.12:陕西省优秀博士学位论文
  • 2021.06:国家留学基金委中德(CSC-DAAD)博士后项目奖学金
  • 2019.06:西北大学优秀博士学位论文
  • 2019.06:西北大学优秀毕业生
  • 2018.06:中国古生物学会资助优秀学生参加第五届国际古生物学大会(5th International Palaeontological Congress)奖学金
  • 2017.11:博士研究生国家奖学金
  • 2017.06:国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目奖学金
  • 2014–2018:连续五年获得西北大学研究生一等奖学金
  • 2013.11:国家励志奖学金
  • 2011–2013:连续三年获得西北大学本科生一等奖学金